Let's Help Ukraine Together

Ukraine needs your help on the road to victory. While the enemy continues to cause daily damage and suffering, together we can alleviate that harm by ensuring that soldiers and civilians have the best health care, by rebuilding and recovering now, and by supporting musicians and their families. Your donation will make a real difference., so do it now.

Build A One-Stop Platform To Rebuild Ukraine

“Adopt A Ukrainian City” will crowdfund to rebuild every region, city, and village in Ukraine.  

Support Independent Media In Ukraine

Independent media in Ukraine is necessary to get true and unvarnished facts free from any outside pressure.  However, since the war began, 27 journalists and media workers have been killed. Help us support independent media.

Assist Ukrainian Musicians And Their Families

Many musicians put their careers on hold to join the Armed Forces, and many paid the ultimate price while others were injured.

Support LGBTQ Rights

Our enemy has declared LGBTQ citizens extremists. In the USA, many political leaders are targeting them too.  Please help us to support those who are being targeted for being who they are. 

Medical Center In Ukraine

The “Peaceful” project is being prepared for implementation - the construction and equipping with modern medical equipment of the country’s first multidisciplinary Medical and Rehabilitation Center.

Rapid Response Fund

Emergencies occur every day in Ukraine and our Rapid Response Fund can provide emergency financial assistance to Ukrainian citizens. 

Help Save Ukrainian Lives: Donate Now For The American Drone Project


Kelsie Kimberlin With Ukrainian Ambassador Oksana Markarova.

American drone manufacturers are playing a pivotal role in supporting Ukraine amidst its ongoing conflict by supplying advanced unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). These drones are not only enhancing the military capabilities of Ukraine but also serving humanitarian and democratic purposes. By providing these high-tech tools, American companies are contributing to the protection of civilians and the safeguarding of democratic values in the region.

Drones supplied by American manufacturers are equipped with surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities, allowing Ukrainian forces to monitor hostile activities without risking human lives. This technology enables the detection of enemy movements and the identification of threats from a safe distance, thus preventing casualties and improving strategic planning. Additionally, some drones are used for logistical purposes, delivering essential supplies such as food, medicine, and ammunition to areas that are hard to reach due to conflict or destruction.

The contribution of American drone technology also extends to information gathering that supports democratic resilience. By documenting violations and providing real-time data, these UAVs help maintain transparency and accountability, crucial elements in upholding democratic processes under duress. Furthermore, the imagery and information captured by drones can be used to counter disinformation by providing undeniable evidence of events on the ground.

In essence, American drone manufacturers are not just supporting military efforts but are also instrumental in humanitarian aid and the protection of democratic integrity in Ukraine. This aligns with broader international goals of promoting peace, security, and democracy worldwide, demonstrating how technology can serve as a force for good in global conflicts. Help them scale up by making a donation now.

About Us

The Kelsie Kimberlin Foundation

The Kelsie Kimberlin Foundation was created after Kelsie made a trip to Ukraine to engage in humanitarian work and assist Ukraine on the road to Victory. While in Ukraine, Kelsie witnessed the horrors in Bucha, Irpin, Gostomel, and Kyiv, and talked to soldiers, widows, children, political leaders, and victims of torture. Everyone, without exception, told her about the need for more support on every level. These stories and pleas underscored the tremendous need for a global crowdfunding platform that can act quickly, effectively and responsibly.

Promote Access to Healthcare For Children

Connects Nonprofits, Donors in Every Country

Children in war-torn areas face multiple hardships like lack of basic necessities, chronic health issues and limited access to quality education. These challenges can have long-term consequences on their future and require urgent attention.

Project "Peaceful" Multifunctional Medical Complex With Rehabilitation Center

Multifunctional Medical Complex With Rehabilitation Center

Restoration of Ukraine in terms of returning veterans of the Russian-Ukrainian war to peaceful life.
We are faced with the primary task of helping those who gave everything for the sake of our peaceful future of our State.We present to you the Medical and Rehabilitation Complex of the Peaceful Project, an initiative aimed at the important and urgent task of reintegrating veterans of the Russian-Ukrainian war into everyday life. This task combines the power of medical methods, recreational therapy and professional development and aims to maximize the restoration of the physical and psychological quality of life of those who have given their health, lost loved ones as a result of Russian aggression.War veterans are incredibly strong in spirit, but today they need our help to return to a full life, find inner peace and a worthy place in society, which they deserve.War leaves its scars on the soul and body, so we are called to lend a helping hand to those who have become the object of this extremely difficult and cruel ordeal.We created "Mirnyi" with the mission to restore the physical and psychological health of veterans, to give them the opportunity to find inner peace and new goals in life through the introduction of an integrated approach to the comprehensive rehabilitation of veterans.The synthesis of our methods will help Ukrainian heroes return to a full and active life, as each veteran receives an individual program after appropriate research, which will create an optimal recovery plan.
Multifunctional Medical Complex With Rehabilitation Center

Let us work together to make a difference

Our recreational programs will contribute to psychological revival and restoration of internal balance. We believe in the power of nature and its positive effects. After all, the feeling of unity and harmony with nature has incredible power in maintaining a high level of mental health.In addition, we are deeply convinced that working together and actively participating in public life are also key components of a return to a peaceful life. Therefore, we plan to actively involve veterans in professional activities, providing an opportunity to find a new vocation and feel like useful and full-fledged members of society.The project also plans to create a training center according to world standards for medical specialists, which will help improve their qualifications to the highest professional level.Your participation is key to our mission. We believe that together we can create a real source of positive changes in the lives and future fate of veterans and their families. We invite you to be a part of this important cause.Your financial support will help us meet the comprehensive needs for the creation, equipping and effective functioning of the medical and rehabilitation complex, namely:To create the best medical institution in Ukraine in accordance with international standards; To create the largest multidisciplinary medical complex with its own rehabilitation center; To create a multifunctional complex, which will include: Diagnosis; Treatment; Rehabilitation; Prevention; sports component; training center for doctors; conference center. Attract the world's best experts in this field. Develop and build facilities according to all the rules of highly efficient and environmentally friendly design, obtaining USGBC (Green Building Council), LEED, BREEAM, DGNB certification.

We want to give an opportunity to those who have been impacted by the work of the Foundation to share their stories with you. Therefore, on a regular basis, we will post stories and photos from some of those you help with your donations.

Monthly Donation

Become a monthly giver

Please consider making a recurring monthly donation to support the needs of Ukraine. We work closely with NOG’s, members of the Armed Forces, and activists to understand what is needed in real time so that we can quickly without bureaucracy address those needs with financial assistance. You can make a significant impact to our rapid response outreach with a monthly gift. Thank you for your donation.

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